Chief Commercial Officer
Presented by: Adyen and Svensk Handel
Future proofing B2C-commerce in the digital space with Elkjøp
The growth of e-commerce has benefited retailers and consumers alike, but the shift in commerce has also meant huge growth for the D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) space. As brands with a D2C-strategy sell their own products directly to the consumer, the brand becomes more immersive in the shopper experience, creating a competitive edge vs conventional retailers. How can conventional B2C-retailers compete in this landscape, maintain a competitive brand and foster long-term customer relationships?
As Chief Commercial Officer at Adyen, Roelant is responsible for all commercial activities and development. After starting his career as a consultant, he transitioned to the online payments industry in the early 2000s. Over the years, Roelant has held various international leadership positions in sales and business development for companies providing payment solutions to global e-commerce businesses. He holds a degree in economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam. Roelant is also a board member of Seenons B.V.
Innovation for Impact
Retail Awards
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