Next-Gen Intuitive E-Commerce (Stage H1)

Stay tuned for more speakers!

Next-Gen Intuitive E-Commerce (Stage H1)

Your gateway to the latest in e-commerce innovation. This stage highlights how new technologies, including AI, are crafting the future of online shopping. Discover tools and strategies that offer unparalleled personalization, efficiency, and cross-border connectivity, transforming e-commerce into a more intuitive and seamless experience for users worldwide. Dive into a future where technology bridges borders, building a smarter, more connected shopping world.​

Stay tuned for more speakers!

Agenda Stage H1 March 5 and 6

1:55 pm

1:55 pm - 2:25 pm


2025-03-05 13:552025-03-05 14:25Europe/StockholmBridging Borders with Purpose: Nordic Excellence in Global E-Commerce and Brand IdentityBang & Olufsen - Carolin DalsgaardH1Svensk Handelnoreply@svenskhandel.seevent

Bridging Borders with Purpose: Nordic Excellence in Global E-Commerce and Brand Identity

2:35 pm

2:35 pm - 3:05 pm


2025-03-05 14:352025-03-05 15:05Europe/StockholmJacob RastadSvensk Handelnoreply@svenskhandel.seevent

Tillsammans mot toppen – så byggde BHG sin framgång

english speaker

Nordic Nest Group

Home Furnishing Nordic

9:55 am

9:55 am - 10:20 am


2025-03-06 09:552025-03-06 10:20Europe/StockholmBjörn BryngelsonSvensk Handelnoreply@svenskhandel.seevent

Framtidssäkrat krediterbjudande driver tillväxt och kundlojalitet

10:30 am

10:30 am - 11:00 am


2025-03-06 10:302025-03-06 11:00Europe/StockholmFredrik ErséusSvensk Handelnoreply@svenskhandel.seevent

Från offerter till E-Procurement: Hur AJ Produkter förenklar B2B-inköp genom Digital Commerce

11:10 am

11:10 am - 11:40 am


2025-03-06 11:102025-03-06 11:40Europe/StockholmAndreas KoschnikeSvensk Handelnoreply@svenskhandel.seevent

Säkra dina kundrelationer med framtidens kommunikation – SMS 2.0 är här!

11:50 am

11:50 am - 12:20 pm


2025-03-06 11:502025-03-06 12:20Europe/StockholmCamilla Tullberg Wengholm​Svensk Handelnoreply@svenskhandel.seevent

Kiruna eller Kyoto - Vad ligger bakom en framgångsrik utlandsexpansion?

1:10 pm

1:10 pm - 1:40 pm


2025-03-06 13:102025-03-06 13:40Europe/StockholmPeter SvenssonSvensk Handelnoreply@svenskhandel.seevent

Maximizing Customer Profitability: How Transformed Performance Marketing into a Growth Engine

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D-Congress 2024


Innovation for Impact


Retail Awards

1 995 KR


2 995 KR


Alla priser ex moms

  • Mingel
  • 3-rätters middag med dryck
  • Underhållning av välkänd artist
  • Efterfest


All prices are exclusive of VAT

  • MARCH 5
  • Access to all tracks
  • Access to the exhibition
  • Access to meeting platform
  • Fika
  • Opening mingle
  • MARCH 6
  • Access to all tracks
  • Access to the exhibition
  • Access to meeting platform
  • Fika
  • Lunch
  • Lounge mingle