Julia Paulsen


Director E-Commerce Nordics

Presented by: Adyen and Svensk Handel

Future proofing B2C-commerce in the digital space with Elkjøp

Stage: F4
Bridging Borders – Building Futures
2:35 pm-3:05 pm - 5 March
Go to F4
Add to calendar2025-03-05 14:35:002025-03-05 15:05:00Europe/StockholmFuture proofing B2C-commerce in the digital space with ElkjøpElgiganten - Julia PaulsenBridging Borders – Building FuturesSvensk Digital Handelnoreply@dhandel.seevent

Future proofing B2C-commerce in the digital space with Elkjøp

The growth of e-commerce has benefited retailers and consumers alike, but the shift in commerce has also meant huge growth for the D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) space. As brands with a D2C-strategy sell their own products directly to the consumer, the brand becomes more immersive in the shopper experience, creating a competitive edge vs conventional retailers. How can conventional B2C-retailers compete in this landscape, maintain a competitive brand and foster long-term customer relationships?

Julia Paulsen

Julia Paulsen is a tech and data enthusiasts living by the motto ”what you can’t measure doesn’t exist” and ”ABT – always be testing”.

She is the Director of eCommerce at Elkjøp Nordics, the largest electronics retailer in the area, with whopping 300 million online sessions a year. Previous to her current role of 4 years, she has worked as Head of Marketing and Digital Sales at B2B digital first bank, Aprila, Head of Digital Sales and Service at Norway’s largest bank DNB, Director of Digital Strategy at Telenor Digital and Brand Manager of Nordics bringing the ecommerce giant Zalando into the market.

Julia is proud to have received DNB’s most courageous leader award in the Retail Market 2019 after implementing her own way of work model and sharing the learnings in the book – WOW: Smells like team spirit. Your practical guide to agile and all that buzz.


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