Niclas Cullberg


Strategy Consultant

Presented by: Vaimo

Hur ett av Sveriges största kooperativ tog sig an e-handel

Stage: J1
Unified Commerce Revolution
2:35 pm-3:05 pm - 5 March
Go to J1
Add to calendar2025-03-05 14:35:002025-03-05 15:05:00Europe/StockholmHur ett av Sveriges största kooperativ tog sig an e-handelVaimo - Niclas CullbergUnified Commerce RevolutionSvensk Digital Handelnoreply@dhandel.seevent

Hur ett av Sveriges största kooperativ tog sig an e-handel

Lyssna på Anders Andrén Dorselius, Ecommerce & Business Technology Manager på Lantmännen, om utmaningarna när en organisation med en omsättning över 80 miljarder tar sig an ett stort digitaliseringsprojekt. Hur blir man en ledare inom kundupplevelse i en traditionell bransch och hur bygger man grunden för framtidens “smart farming”.

Niclas Cullberg

Niclas is an accomplished expert in e-commerce and digital strategy, with a strong emphasis on both B2B and D2C sectors. At Vaimo, he spearheads initiatives to elevate customer engagement through innovative digital solutions and insightful data strategies. With extensive experience across various industries, Niclas understands firsthand what it takes to transform and drive digital sales and marketing. Most notably, his leadership at Stena Line in guiding significant digital initiatives has proven his ability to foster transformative growth and improve customer experiences across diverse markets.


D-Congress 2024


Innovation for Impact


Retail Awards

1 995 KR


2 995 KR


Alla priser ex moms

  • Mingel
  • 3-rätters middag med dryck
  • Underhållning av välkänd artist
  • Efterfest


Few tickets left

4.950 SEK

Few tickets left

8.900 SEK

Few tickets left

1.000 SEK

All prices are exclusive of VAT

  • MARCH 5
  • Access to all tracks
  • Access to the exhibition
  • Access to meeting platform
  • Fika
  • Opening mingle
  • MARCH 6
  • Access to all tracks
  • Access to the exhibition
  • Access to meeting platform
  • Fika
  • Lunch
  • Lounge mingle